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About Jacques Grimault : author of The Revelation of the Pyramids project

Jacques Grimault

Jacques Grimault, the now famous (!) author of the documentary film The Revelation of the Pyramids, known throughout the world (yes !) is also producer and director of a series of 7 filmed opuses, five of which remain to be created (!!!) : he is also a brilliant lecturer-teacher, known for his astonishing as well as vast erudition, the originality and novelty of his views, and for his permanent good humor and his generous humor, sometimes very caustic…

For more than ten years, his conferences, his various symposia, his comments and indications on sites, both in France and abroad, as well as his courses in alchemy, astrology, tarot cards, hermetic philosophy and from various other disciplines, around 500 videos, are available on the Orbis Enigma International Library streaming platform, at very low prices !

But Jacques Grimault is also a remarkable writer, commentator, editor, author of hundreds of sparkling and sometimes exceptional articles unpublished elsewhere, who has also undertaken to make works on alchemy and hermeticism as accessible as possible difficult to find, or rarely published and overpriced, as well as his own writings, books (3), booklets (more of 160 ), and journals (3), of a documentary depth and breadth rarely achieved, freely offered on Amazon site, in paper or Kindle versions, in no way giving in to the ease that would make one believe that one would be a writer simply by holding a pen (this is why the Trolls constantly attack it, going so far as to stuff Amazon’s notices of denigrating and delusional messages, which harm everyone) ; draftsman (because he has solid pencil strokes) because you would hold a charcoal over rag paper ; director because you have a camera and know how to edit and add sound to videos, or even a speaker because you can chat on the microphone by parading in front of a few people…

Given the false but dangerous so-called health situation (Covid 19 etc.), Jacques Grimault plans to resume his courses and conferences, but in video and streaming, as well as various documentary broadcasts and interviews… To complete this initiative, he will publish a magazine specifically dealing with of everything that enters into the issues developed in The Revelation of Pyramids : ‘LRDP Horizons’, a bimonthly of 60 pages without advertisements, to prepare for the release of the highly anticipated LRDP² (squarely, and not ‘LRDP two !)

This is why we suggest you take a look at Amazon and Orbis Enigma International Library to get a more precise idea of the authentically cultural potential made available to you at a low price by the Cultural Association of Free Searchs of The New Atlantis, created and animated by Mr. Grimault, this very special man, whom you can reach (sometimes with a lot of patience, because on the one hand, he is often traveling, and on the other hand, because the Trolls banned about 10 months out of 12 from its Facebook and Messenger pages… (however, VK and a few others remain !)

You will find below, the documentary The Revelation of the Pyramids, in your language and offered free of charge to all, in order to be able to get a concrete idea of the contributions and original discoveries of Mr. Grimault, and of the supported opinions of professionals on the field, and not just ‘researchers’ sitting in their offices, etc. You will see images from all over the world, because you are involved from one end to the other… And you will probably realize that the History that we are taught is very probably false… and distorted…

At the end of this page, if this first film interested you, you will find what you need to treat yourself to the second film – the sequel – to The Revelation of the Pyramids (LRDP 1), entitled The Revelation of the Pyramids 2 ; The leaning Equator, the investigation continues… a 104′ cinema film (one hour and forty-four minutes), which demonstrates and proves :
1/ that everything that was said and shown in the previous film is true and fair,
2/ that all this takes us towards space, starting with the Moon, then our Solar System, and finally the entire Universe,
3/ that this knowledge was transmitted by elite men, such as Leonardo da Vinci for example, an artist ; Isaac Newton, a scientist ; Jules Verne, an universal writer…

In short, a new film as powerful, dense, and original and unexpected as the previous one, which will most likely make you change your knowledge from top to bottom : that’s it !
It will only cost you 4,5 £ to enjoy it at home… Happy re-reading and happy viewing to all, from 12 to 120 years old…

And see you soon !

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